Saturday, October 27, 2007

Why start now?

So why am I starting this now? What makes my voice a worthy addition to the noise of the Internet? I can only answer the first question for now, the second we'll have to find out as we go along.

I'm actually sitting in the 2007 Florida Democratic Party Convention at Disney, as we speak (type/read?). I have my laptop out to take notes being the nerd that I am but before I even got through the paid Internet access mess (the payment page defaulted to a non-encrypted page... nice, huh?) someone stopped and asked if I was a blogger. I smiled and said no. In all honesty, I would probably have just been using the access to get my daily digg fix (

After pondering the blogger question for a while I decided it was probably time to establish a legitimate presence on the net (beyond flickr and a couple of work inappropriate submissions). While the title of my blog is meant to be a play on 'Daily Kos', I do not intend this to be a purely political or news based blog. However, as per the title, it will NOT be daily. I live my life on various paths and do not wish to make the site singular in purpose or a dedicated use of my free time (for now, at least... oh yeah, and I should warn you (although you have already discovered this yourself) but I am a Parenthesis abuser... and yes, I just did an embedded set of parenthesis w/in another set).

So on to business... This is my first FDP (Florida Democratic Party) Convention. Being a newbie, I'm not feeling any real sense of 'loss' at the lack of Presidential candidates. However, I have noticed a sense of confusion amongst delegates (I'm a delegate representing Lake county) about how we, as Democrats, got ourselves into this very odd conflict. Not knowing what logic exists behind closed doors, I can't confidently speak to the rationale behind the lack of resolution or compromise thus far (sorry for ending w/ a preposition, but I have little respect for that rule, perhaps as a result of watching "Finding Forrester" too often).

I can say that this would be unlikely to happen in the Republican party where it seems that very few are either willing or allowed to step out of line. So the question I would pose to everyone confused and frustrated by the conflict is, "would you rather have a leader/party that sticks to one stance without change, reconsideration or alternate solutions when failure is beating you over the head w/ your own words (seeming to suggest that they are NEVER wrong, or at least would never admit to it) or would you rather have a leader/party that welcomes debate, discussion, and evolving solutions when necessary?"

Lunch is being served so I'm signing off for now... Stay tuned.